Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What equipment do I need?

Please see Equipment Guidelines

How Long is the Box Lacrosse Season?

Our Central Alberta Lacrosse League Season runs from April through June. Practices and Games are played in our Stettler Recreation Centre (once the ice comes out) beginning each April. We hold Try it nights in February and pre-season practices in March at our local school gyms. Alberta Lacrosse Association Provincials are hosted in July each year. For a full list of our Tentative League Schedule, go to:

When do we practice?

We have historically held practices on Wednesday evenings (between 5-9pm) for all our divisions, with the older divisions (U11-U17) often hosting two practices per week, but this is dependent on Coach availability. We love Multi-sport athletes, and often book additional floor times for extra practice, or drop in lacrosse time to offset those who miss a practice, or want to hone their skills! Once teams are formed (Early March each season) practice schedules are finalized.

Where do we play games?

We are part of the Central Alberta Lacrosse League ( ) which governs Lacrosse from South of Edmonton to North of Calgary with all the amazing points in between! The CALL board is comprised of teams from Lacoka (Lacombe and Ponoka), Blackfalds, Sylvan Lake, Red Deer, Innisfail, Olds, Carstairs, Kneehill (Three Hills), and Hanna. For U7 and U9, a festival format is used, with 6 festivals (one day, with one or two games played) hosted by various clubs throughout the league. For the older divisions (U11-U17) we play in a 12 game season, offering 6 home and 6 away league games, with playoffs set for mid to late June. There are always opportunities for additional exhibition games and/or tournaments throughout the province.

Are there volunteering requirements?

Everything in Stettler Minor Lacrosse is Volunteer driven, from coaching and managing, to acting as a board member! Each family commits to working the score/penalty box throughout the season at both home and away games.
We have, in the past, utilized a $100 fee or a commitment to 4hours (not including score box duties) of additional volunteer time. Volunteer hours can include, but are not limited to, casino duties, serving on the SMLA Board, Coaching, Managing, washing jerseys, our Annual Stettler Thunder Bottle Drive (Mid May), Picture Night, U7/U9 home festival (mid June), but again, does not include each family's commitment to working the score/penalty box during home and away games. We have rarely had to ask for the Volunteer fee, as our Stettler Thunder Family is AMAZING at supporting our club and the activities we provide.

Is my player too old to start?

Heck No!! Even though Lacrosse is one of the oldest sports on Earth, it's still widely unknown and we get new registrants at ALL AGES! If your child is coachable, eager, and ready to honour the game, they will be successful! Once the basics are attained (scooping, cradling, passing and catching) the fast pace of the game and our welcoming environment will have you hooked!

Can we try it first, before registering?

Yes! We offer Try It Nights throughout February each year. And we encourage "Bring a Friend" nights even after the season has started. Be aware that our Teams must be finalized and submitted to the League in Early March...and our teams fill fast! Being placed on the waitlist may not guarantee a spot on the team.

How can I help out?

In so many ways! Are you interested in Coaching or Managing a team? Want to ask us about Board Position that may be available? Have you ever considered being a Referee (we'd love to have more adults taking on this role!)? Pull us aside at a try it event, or contact us through the website and we're happy to fill you in.

Where do our fees go?

As all positions in SMLA are volunteer, we use the fees and any donations we receive to pay for Team Jerseys, Floor time for practices and games, Referee fees, Goalie Equipment, Balls (between $4 and $15 each!), Coaching apparel and supplies, Trainer medical supplies, and more. As well, each player is charged an ALA and Lacrosse Canada member fee (between $30-$70, depending on age division) and a CALL fee ($25 each). Any teams making Provincials will have their Team Fee (approx. $1000) covered by either SMLA or CALL. We offer per diems to our members and delegates who attend CALL and Alberta Lacrosse Association meetings (where representation is required), and pay for all coaching and official certifications required by Lacrosse Canada.

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